由于不会使用iptables设置端口转发, 于是找到了如下这个东西, 性能还不错。
#!/usr/bin/python # Author: Mario Scondo (www.Linux-Support.com) # Date: 2010-01-08 # Script template by Stephen Chappell # # This script forwards a number of configured local ports # to local or remote socket servers. # # Configuration: # Add to the config file port-forward.config lines with # contents as follows: # <local incoming port> <dest hostname> <dest port> # # Start the application at command line with 'python port-forward.py' # and stop the application by keying in <ctrl-c>. # # Error messages are stored in file 'error.log'. # import socket import sys import thread import time def main(setup, error): # open file for error messages sys.stderr = file(error, 'a') # read settings for port forwarding for settings in parse(setup): thread.start_new_thread(server, settings) print settings # wait for <ctrl-c> while True: time.sleep(60) def parse(setup): settings = list() for line in file(setup): parts = line.split() settings.append((int(parts[0]), parts[1], int(parts[2]))) return settings def server(*settings): try: dock_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) dock_socket.bind(('', settings[0])) dock_socket.listen(5) while True: client_socket = dock_socket.accept()[0] print 'accepted' server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.connect((settings[1], settings[2])) print 'Connected',settings thread.start_new_thread(forward, (client_socket, server_socket)) thread.start_new_thread(forward, (server_socket, client_socket)) finally: thread.start_new_thread(server, settings) def forward(source, destination): string = ' ' while string: string = source.recv(4096) #There was 1024. I tried 4096 and it has better performance. if string: destination.sendall(string) else: source.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) destination.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) if __name__ == '__main__': main('port-forward.config', 'error.log')