//自动出错程序 #include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<sstream> #define s(y) s##y using namespace std; int toInt(char *s) { int result; stringstream ss; ss<<s; ss>>result; return result; } void mem() { for(;;) int over[100000000]={}; } int foo() { return foo(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *STATUS[]={"Accepted", "Time Limit Exceed", "Output Limit Exceed", "Stack Overflow", "Wrong Answer", "Div By Zero", "Out Of Bounds", "Memory Limit Exceed", "Create Process", "Throw a+b", "ETC"}; const int STATUS_NUM=11; int status=0,a,b; cin>>a>>b; if(argc<2) { //status=a % STATUS_NUM; srand(time(0)+a); //for(int i=0;i<b;++i) status=rand() % STATUS_NUM; } else status=toInt(argv[1]) % STATUS_NUM; cerr<<"I'm going to "<<STATUS[status]<<"."<<endl; switch(status) { case 0: cout<<a+b<<endl; break; case 1: cout<<a+b<<endl; for(;;); break; case 2: cout<<a+b<<endl; for(;;)cout<<" "; break; case 3: cout<<a+b<<endl; foo(); break; case 4: cout<<a+b+1<<endl; break; case 5: cout<<(a+b)/0<<endl; break; case 6: cout<<a+b<<endl; cerr<<STATUS[STATUS_NUM]; break; case 7: cout<<a+b<<endl; mem(); break; case 8: cout<<a+b<<endl; s(ystem)("pause"); break; case 9: cout<<a+b<<endl; throw a+b; break; case 10: cout<<a+b<<endl; return -1; break; default: break; } return 0; }
看起来想起了我的某玩意儿 :grin: