



RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total: 356.6ms +/- 4.3%

3d: 52.7ms +/- 11.1%
cube: 13.0ms +/- 24.3%
morph: 18.8ms +/- 4.7%
raytrace: 20.9ms +/- 13.7%

access: 47.0ms +/- 17.2%
binary-trees: 2.7ms +/- 17.9%
fannkuch: 24.2ms +/- 26.9%
nbody: 11.4ms +/- 11.9%
nsieve: 8.7ms +/- 27.9%

bitops: 34.9ms +/- 5.2%
3bit-bits-in-byte: 8.0ms +/- 4.2%
bits-in-byte: 6.9ms +/- 11.4%
bitwise-and: 9.3ms +/- 8.1%
nsieve-bits: 10.7ms +/- 8.9%

controlflow: 3.4ms +/- 10.9%
recursive: 3.4ms +/- 10.9%

crypto: 33.0ms +/- 6.6%
aes: 13.7ms +/- 6.0%
md5: 9.4ms +/- 10.9%
sha1: 9.9ms +/- 13.8%

date: 33.6ms +/- 5.6%
format-tofte: 16.1ms +/- 8.5%
format-xparb: 17.5ms +/- 7.8%

math: 32.9ms +/- 10.1%
cordic: 6.4ms +/- 40.8%
partial-sums: 17.4ms +/- 19.3%
spectral-norm: 9.1ms +/- 15.0%

regexp: 15.1ms +/- 11.7%
dna: 15.1ms +/- 11.7%

string: 104.0ms +/- 2.1%
base64: 6.7ms +/- 10.1%
fasta: 20.4ms +/- 8.3%
tagcloud: 24.8ms +/- 6.0%
unpack-code: 37.6ms +/- 3.5%
validate-input: 14.5ms +/- 3.5%



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:wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)
